10 things we miss during COVID

COVID 19 has made us much more aware of the little things that we didn't think were important before the pandemic arrived. Travelling, spending time with our loved ones. We were bound to do whatever we wanted, and now that these habits are a memory, we miss them.

Today, more than ever, millions of consumers and citizens around the world are sharing their feelings online. A survey shows that travel accounts for 85% of the activities that people miss most.

Here is our list of the 10 things we miss during COVID.


  1. The beaches of Miami

With its majestic palm trees and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Miami may not be a hidden gem, but it is still a gem. With its unparalleled climate and lively, stimulating atmosphere, this city is home to a multitude of art galleries, bars, clubs and restaurants.


  1. Iranian hospitality

As soon as the Iranians see us, they smile at us, very often asking us if we need help. They offer you to come and drink tea at their house. Very often they want to be photographed with you. Sometimes they ask you what you think of their country. No aggressiveness, only kindness. Iranians when they talk to you don't want to sell anything, they just want to exchange. They are simple people extremely welcoming, hospitable. 


  1. Argentinian pampas

Of Quechua origin, the word pampa means plain. It refers to the immense Latin American prairies that stretch between southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. One can enjoy the traditional activities of the Argentinean pampas. The asados, or pantagruelic grills, horseback rides to observe the marking of young calves, or large traditional gatherings such as the annual festival of tradition in San Antonio de Areco are all opportunities for an immersion in the world of the gauchos.


  1. The street kitchen of Hanoi in Vietnam

Hanoi is considered to be the paradise of the kitchen. Tourists can indeed discover traditional and modern dishes that appear in every corner of the city, an original cultural trait of the Vietnamese, especially the people of Hanoi.


  1. Thailand's night markets

Impossible to come to Thailand without walking in the alleys of a market... a guaranteed sensations! Swarming with life, smells and colors, filled with stalls of products each appetizing or surprising than the other, they are also good places to exchange many smiles with locals.


  1. Swiss alpine mountains

Above all, Switzerland is synonymous with wilderness and famous peaks. Waterfalls, forests, lakes, and massifs are a true haven of peace for travelers who love unspoiled scenery. The alpine massifs cover 60% of this beautiful country. The fauna and flora are therefore in the honor of these panoramic hikes. 


  1. Perth, Australia

Overshadowed by the notoriety of Sydney and Melbourne. It is closer to Europe, the weather is beautiful, its beaches are always lively and the fauna is immensely diverse (there are even penguins!). And, my friends, you should make a stop at Kings Park - an incomparable oasis of greenery in the heart of the city.


  1. Seattle's good coffee

Head to the northwestern region of the United States to enjoy coffee in the home of contemporary coffee (Seattle is the home of Starbucks). The fabulous views of the recently renovated Space Needle Tower, the Capitol Hill neighborhood, which offers an incredible variety of options to brighten your evenings.


  1. Namibia's endless deserts

Located on the southwest coast of Africa, the country is home to endless deserts, breathtaking landscapes, exceptional wildlife and infinitely entertaining campsites. In addition to all the above attractions, a number of luxury lodges have recently been opened to accommodate tourists and adventure seekers.


  1. 10.The magnificent architecture, the museums of Berlin, Germany

The city is famous for its beautiful architecture, world-renowned museums, lively nightlife and flowing beer. Numerous exhibitions pervade the city. Because of the covid, we can no longer enjoy Berlin's design or architecture.


  1. 11.The cultural treasures of Lisbon, Portugal

A splendid combination of sunny weather, authentic meals, cultural treasures and countless affordable attractions. Visit the Botanical Gardens in Belém or, further east, in Alfama to enjoy a breathtaking view of the city, or simply explore the various neighborhoods scattered throughout this hilly city.


  1. 12.The blue spots in Sidi Bousaid Tunisia

On the edge of a cliff and with a panoramic view of the marina Sidi Bousaid, is your stunning new destination. A celebrity welcome, world class service and high standing are at your disposal. You will be greeted, charmed and given the experience of a thousand and one nights.   Because it's nearby, it's warm and it's in the heart of the northern suburbs that your visit will take place, you will also enjoy the beautiful landscapes and discover the richness of the Tunisian culture.  


  1. 13.Alhmabra in Spain

Better known as the Alhambra, the palatial city of Granada is a masterpiece of Islamic civil, military and artistic engineering. The Alhambra is Granada's landmark and should definitely be part of your visit to the city of Granada. With all the surrounding gardens, you can easily spend a whole day at the palace.  Its walls house palaces that inspired poets and continue to amaze the visitor today. 


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